
Difference between opengl es 2.0 and 3.0
Difference between opengl es 2.0 and 3.0

difference between opengl es 2.0 and 3.0

More like compatibility and stability fetishism. > That's some impressive graphics fetishism on display there. But it's equally stupid to say that everyone should use D3D12 / Metal regardless of circumstance.) (To clarify: the recommendation that everyone should just use OpenGL regardless of situation is, in fact, stupid. No point in deriding engineers who decide not to use the latest bells and whistles in the graphics pipeline. The idea that somebody who chooses to do this is therefore not "competent" just boggles the mind. (This matters less as time goes on, but it's been an important point in certain markets in Asia.) So you can write the graphics code once, more or less, and run it everywhere, more or less. It's easy to port an OpenGL 3.3 game to a lot of systems, including mobile, since OpenGL ES 2.1 is pretty similar, and Windows XP, which cannot run DirectX 10. Not everyone is a AAA studio with an engine development team, nor should everyone hold themselves to those standards of engine performance. It's hard not to take offense at the comment that anything less is not "worthy". That's some impressive graphics fetishism on display there. Not just a few.ĮDIT: s/codepaths/apis/, finish summarizing my thoughts. But OpenGL ES 2 vs desktop OpenGL? They both render triangles, but beyond that, it's a crap-shot, and a lot of #ifdefs in my experience. Or maybe OpenGL ES 3 is a bit closer to real OpenGL. I must assume going from OpenGL ES 2 to real OpenGL a bit easier - even if you're probably giving all the fast paths in the latter a wide berth in doing so. I swear I've reused more code between D3D11 and PS4 codepaths than between OpenGL ES and OpenGL codepaths, and the d3d11 and ps4 APIs don't share a single common function name betwixt them!

difference between opengl es 2.0 and 3.0 difference between opengl es 2.0 and 3.0

This is extremely well documented: "Specifies whether to transpose the matrix as the values are loaded into the uniform variable.

difference between opengl es 2.0 and 3.0

Multiple render targets? Are you out of your mind? We can't have that - goodbye deferred rendering, hello old school forward rendering!Įven your bread and butter - functions like glUniformMatrix3fv do things like just outright ignore the transpose parameter. Can't even call glTexImage2D on ES 2 without perfectly fine OpenGL code failing - because format != internalFormat is forbidden (read: documented "must be the same"), and you were a good explicit OpenGL citizen and asked for something as horrifically complicated as format=GL_RGBA and internalFormat=GL_RGBA8. Not even our shaders went unscathed - no rectangular matrix support (mat4x3? nope!), mandatory precision specifiers (lowp-highp), no Uniform Buffer Objects.

Difference between opengl es 2.0 and 3.0